Posted by Josh, a member of Brand New Aspiring Writers
1918. France. The air was clear, as with the skies. The sun was shining like an over-powered light bulb. Nature was just doing her normal business. It was a normal day. What was happening? Soldiers fighting for their lives. Christmas decorations of death littered on the ground. Civilians shrieking and desperately looking for a place to escape from the chaos, with no luck. Lead flying all over no man's land. Blood shedding constantly. Someone dying every second. Yeah, this was just a routine day in France.
On the ground, rifles pattered. Cannons pounded. Screaming of the nearly-dead made things worse. Men ran around in their trenches and shot at the enemy. Both sides tried to break through the opponent's line, but with no success. It was now impossible to move without tripping on dead people. Total stalemate.
That was, unless you were in the air. In, the air, it was a different story. Now you had space. Things were always moving. It was very difficult to be destroyed from the ground. In part it was actually somewhat fun.
However, this didn't mean it was safer in the air. It was too easy to be spotted. It was difficult to fly the plane and use the weapons at the same time. The planes were weak, one shot meant relocating your bedroom underground.
Even still, the air was still an advantage. Planes struck horror in the enemy's heart. It was easier to get the entrenched infantry from the air. So, both sides attempted to dominate the skies.
I wish to talk about a special man to me. His name was Walter Cain. About 6 feet tall, skinny, he was pretty much a normal guy. Except for one thing: he was a great pilot. He was an American who fought for the British. He considered himself invincible. He shot down many German planes and strafed many to death. He was admired.
However, one day, the worst day of my life commenced. Even though I wasn't there, well, you know, it still hurt. Walter was doing his usual routines. He was assigned to strafe the trenches and knock out as many German planes as possible. After eliminating a small group of German planes, his group felt free to attack the ground targets. He was lucky enough to find an artillery position nearby, so he and his squad knocked out that. Then, tragedy. He returned to the action to find that the rest of the group was missing. He looked everywhere, but could not locate them. Then he heard another aircraft closing in from behind. He sighed in relief, thinking it was one of his men. Suddenly, he realized something was wrong. The plane didn't sound like one of his. The mysterious plane attacked Walter. Walter looked back after surviving the first spray of lead. There, behind his aircraft was a large, red, and terrifying plane, locking in to his target. Walter knew he could not escape the German flying monster. He look back in front just in time for the final spray of bullets, which crippled the plane. After some puttering of the engine attempting to work again, it finally failed. Walter's plane began falling to the ground.
His life was coming to an end. At any moment, he would hopelessly collide to the ground. It would be a loss of a great American pilot. His heart shrunk as the increasing winds blew across his face. Doom was just in front of his eyes.
But, before impact, Walter noticed something on the battlefield he's never seen before. It was a huge chuck of metal with sticks coming out of it. He immediately knew it was a tank, but he didn't think it was Allied. He slightly saw a sign on the large monster. It was German. And there were no Allied tanks nearby. He figured his buddies could use his help. He yanked his joystick up as high as he could. This placed the plane in a fast 45 degree angle drop, putting the helpless tank within his path.
"Hello, German steel box!" he said during his final moments of his life. "My name is Walter Cain! Feel the glory!"
Now what I just told you is mostly fact, with some legend thrown into it. No one knows what he said or heard because, obviously, nobody was there when he died. This story is about how my experiences almost left me in a similar situation.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Posted by JM, a member of Brand New Aspiring Writers
1000 Words
The journey of one thousand words is a path every “other” has had to walk. Even if you are part of an “us” that still make you part of a “them” to somebody else. As many of us are all too aware, being a “them” can often lead to having judgment rained down on you and being condemned in willful ignorance.
The journey of one thousand words does not start with a single word. Rather, like any other journey, it begins with a single step. That single step will often be the hardest step you will ever take and the most painful, this step having cost some their lives. Just as you step out of your metaphorical closet, there are those who will seek to shove you back in it just as your eyes are adjusting to the light.
Some will go back in the closet and never come out again.
By stepping out, you are labeled whether or not you care to claim or accept that label. It is human nature to name and label, no matter if the label is actually true. The safety and security for most comes from the label, not the correctness (or lack thereof) or the label. That which is labeled is safe and predictable and therefore should be boxed appropriately. Left to wander free, the being could change the thoughts of others and even bring out more of those with the same label. This would be considered detrimental because with each newly labeled person, the label changes slightly.
And no one likes a changing label.
Some lose their lives because of their labels. Others retreat back to their closets and try to forget they ever stepped out.
For those who have successfully stepped out of their closet, the journey truly begins. Labels are often, if not always, wrong when applied en masse. The journey of one thousand words is a path to be traveled many times in an effort to gain acceptance and understanding that often doesn’t come. Still the words are uttered in hope and, indeed, in longing.
Many of those from closets revel against the longing and delight in being different. Yet many, many more simply want to be treated like humans. Things often escalate into an involuntary war. One that so many don’t want to fight but end up as victims of anyway.
The journey of one thousand words is not one person’s journey. For every speaker there needs to be a listener. Unfortunately, those who have valuable words are often surrounded by deaf ears and muted by labels. They are forced back into their closets and expected to keep what makes them different carefully tucked away until someone else comes along to poke and prod it. They are abnormalities of human nature to be feared and/or looked at with disgust. They are not to be understood but merely observed to better be able others who are “their” kind faster.
No one should be condemned to silence, solitude, or any sort of harm because they are willing to embrace who they truly are and are labeled because of it. A label that often isn’t true. Everyone is a part of an “us” and thus must suffer through the trials as being part of a “them”. Everyone is also on their journey, as both a speaker or a listener. The key is to speak wisely when others are listening and to listen more than you speak.
1000 Words
The journey of one thousand words is a path every “other” has had to walk. Even if you are part of an “us” that still make you part of a “them” to somebody else. As many of us are all too aware, being a “them” can often lead to having judgment rained down on you and being condemned in willful ignorance.
The journey of one thousand words does not start with a single word. Rather, like any other journey, it begins with a single step. That single step will often be the hardest step you will ever take and the most painful, this step having cost some their lives. Just as you step out of your metaphorical closet, there are those who will seek to shove you back in it just as your eyes are adjusting to the light.
Some will go back in the closet and never come out again.
By stepping out, you are labeled whether or not you care to claim or accept that label. It is human nature to name and label, no matter if the label is actually true. The safety and security for most comes from the label, not the correctness (or lack thereof) or the label. That which is labeled is safe and predictable and therefore should be boxed appropriately. Left to wander free, the being could change the thoughts of others and even bring out more of those with the same label. This would be considered detrimental because with each newly labeled person, the label changes slightly.
And no one likes a changing label.
Some lose their lives because of their labels. Others retreat back to their closets and try to forget they ever stepped out.
For those who have successfully stepped out of their closet, the journey truly begins. Labels are often, if not always, wrong when applied en masse. The journey of one thousand words is a path to be traveled many times in an effort to gain acceptance and understanding that often doesn’t come. Still the words are uttered in hope and, indeed, in longing.
Many of those from closets revel against the longing and delight in being different. Yet many, many more simply want to be treated like humans. Things often escalate into an involuntary war. One that so many don’t want to fight but end up as victims of anyway.
The journey of one thousand words is not one person’s journey. For every speaker there needs to be a listener. Unfortunately, those who have valuable words are often surrounded by deaf ears and muted by labels. They are forced back into their closets and expected to keep what makes them different carefully tucked away until someone else comes along to poke and prod it. They are abnormalities of human nature to be feared and/or looked at with disgust. They are not to be understood but merely observed to better be able others who are “their” kind faster.
No one should be condemned to silence, solitude, or any sort of harm because they are willing to embrace who they truly are and are labeled because of it. A label that often isn’t true. Everyone is a part of an “us” and thus must suffer through the trials as being part of a “them”. Everyone is also on their journey, as both a speaker or a listener. The key is to speak wisely when others are listening and to listen more than you speak.
Monday, February 4, 2008
Posted by Sara, manager of Brand New Aspiring Writers.
There is this second that you own.
Though most would waste it, heaven knows.
Breathe deeply before God calls you home.
For sins we later can atone-
washed clean, like water off a rose.
There is this second that you own
Buck hard against the buffer zone;
rage like wild fire on the status quo.
Breathe deeply before God calls you home.
Ride the world like a cyclone.
Leave not a breath for regrets to grow.
There is this second that you own.
Blink twice, the pages have all flown
off the calendar, fate cruelly exposed.
Breathe deeply before God calls you home.
Hope dies quick when postponed.
Dreams give in to the death throes.
There is this second that you own
Breathe deeply before God calls you home.
Note - This is my first attempt to write a villanelle.
There is this second that you own.
Though most would waste it, heaven knows.
Breathe deeply before God calls you home.
For sins we later can atone-
washed clean, like water off a rose.
There is this second that you own
Buck hard against the buffer zone;
rage like wild fire on the status quo.
Breathe deeply before God calls you home.
Ride the world like a cyclone.
Leave not a breath for regrets to grow.
There is this second that you own.
Blink twice, the pages have all flown
off the calendar, fate cruelly exposed.
Breathe deeply before God calls you home.
Hope dies quick when postponed.
Dreams give in to the death throes.
There is this second that you own
Breathe deeply before God calls you home.
Note - This is my first attempt to write a villanelle.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Fallen Words, a blog that publishes poetry and fiction written by members of The Brand New Aspiring Writers group, welcomes you to the Soup to Nuts Progressive Dinner.
Did you have a drink with Kilroy at Fear and Loathing already? Grab yourself a blog post full of appetizers at Change Therapy? Hope you are not too full to enjoy this first course.
We are serving soup. Each soup is in a shot glass, just a taste to tempt your tastebuds.
Lobster Bisque. Kilroy, Finally I am going mobile!
Did you have a drink with Kilroy at Fear and Loathing already? Grab yourself a blog post full of appetizers at Change Therapy? Hope you are not too full to enjoy this first course.
We are serving soup. Each soup is in a shot glass, just a taste to tempt your tastebuds.
Lobster Bisque. Kilroy, Finally I am going mobile!
Calm chowder. Find out what to do the next time you are having a bad day at Things I Found in the Blogosphere.
Pozole. Read the article Technology and Children - A Wake Up Call For Parents at Telling it Like It Is.
Borscht. Read the article Pushing the Limits of Creativity for Personal Development and Business Innovationat Discover. Inspiring . Media.
Crab bisque. Mistress Regina shares a sexy story at Tales of Ladies, Goddesses and Bitches. Read The Secrets We Share. This is for adults only.
Chicken Noodle. Visit John at From Fat To Fit to read the "Conquering a Small Section of the Mental Mountain.
Beef Barley.Praveen presents CNET Top 10 Tech Lists - the aftermath of the dot-com boom posted at My Simple Trading System.
Minestrone. Dr Martin W. Russell from The Self Help Blog offers the articleForcing Function… WillPower Made Easy
Vegetable Soup.Laura Collins from Are YOU “Eating With Your Anorexic?” has submitted Listening to “Ed”
Cream of Potato.GP from Innside Montana-Your Home at the Range shares the in and out of cooking for guests at an Inn.
Asparagus Soup with Blue Cheese Crumbles. Roger Haeske presents Why Your Gym Membership May Be Wasting You Over 2 Hours A Week.
Spiced Carrot Soup. Scott the poet offers the poem If A Promise
Yellow Tomato Gazpacho Soup.Silicon Valley Blogger presents Cool Gifts For The Real Estate Lover, Investor, Homeowner: A Photo Gallery posted at The Digerati Life.
Eggdrop.RacerX presents Avoid Melting Your Debt Snowball posted at Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Money.
Beef and Bean. Jeremy Wilcox has submitted the post 9/11 Is Dead, Long Live 9/11. Read it at his blog Religion, Politics and The Great Pumpkin.
Lemon Rice. Ever wonder what the worst cover songs in history are? Brian Holland gives us his picks at his blog, Holland's Comet.
Avocado Orange Soup. Over at For Your Success, The Success Coach posted a book review of Barack Obama's The Audacity of Hope.
Mexican Red Onion Soup. Tsai Jie from Diary of a Second Life Courtesean advices sexy tips for how to get what you want for Christmas.
Danish Pea Soup with Pork. Suzanne presents borscht with a KitchenAid posted at :: adventures in daily living ::.
Chicken Rice. Kuanyin from Vintage-Tees offers a post about The Wonder of the Taj Mahal
Mulligatawny Soup. Tip Diva presents Top Ten Tips - Preparing For A Job Interview posted at Tip Diva.
You are invited to join Anja next for the main course at Chatting at my Generation and then gobble up a delicious dessert with JM at Fiction Scribe.
After that the Drinks After the Dinner Reception will be hopping over at The Lives and Times...of Anthony McCune, stop by and read the remaining entries.
If you enjoyed this event, then check out the carnivals that are coming up next.
Personal Power
Submit to Anja at (subject line Personal Power).
This carnival will be held on February 23rd at Chatting With My Generation.
Observations of Life Carnival
Submit to Anja at (subject line Observations of Life)
This carnival will be held on February 17th at Chatting With My Generation.
The Gonzo Gratitude! Carnival
Submission detials are here
To be held on 15th of February at Kilroy- The Gonzo Papers.
Scribes Blog Carnival
Submit here.
Deadline: January 31st. To be held on February 4th at Fiction Scribe.
A Buddist Carnival
> A carnival of articles about Buddhist practice and teaching
> Deadline: February 8; Posting: February 15
Submission form is here.
> Carnival of Eating Disorders
> A carnival about anorexia, bulimia, overeating, body image and other
> related issues. (Please note: This is not about dieting and nutrition
> unless it is directly related to eating disorders.)
> Deadline: February 22; Posting: February 28
Submission form is here.
> Canada 9-5
A showcase for Canadian business blogs
> Deadline: February 22; Posting: February 28
Submission form is here.
Surfer’s Paradise Hullabaloo! Carnival
February 18 at The Lives and Times of....Anthony McCune.
You can submit here.
The next Soup to Nuts Progressive Dinner will be held April 3oth. See you there, my blogging friends! You can submit here.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Posted by unknown usr, a member of Brand New Aspiring Writers
I’ve ranted on a number of issues ranging from my holey underwear to bad music videos, but up until today I never ranted about writing.
I like to write. I like to write a lot. I can pretty much spend hours at
a time cranking out the written word with little regard to what is happening around me. In fact, I’m pretty sure while I’m writing a giant flaming turd could be careening towards the Earth and I would barely notice, unless I was thirsty at the time and got up to get a drink.
The problem I have is real life. Real life tends to suck in a major, goat-dick blowing way. I really find myself at odd with real life on a regular basis. So here is my list of the top reasons real life screws with me so I can’t write.
1) My freakin’ job.
Don’t get me wrong. I like my freakin’ job. It pays me money. I get considerably less grief at my current job than I have in past positions. However, it eats into my writing time in a big way. It’s hard to be a brilliant author when you have to rebuild a crashed server that exploded all over the damned network because of an evil Lovecraftian backup program gone awry.
2) People who harass me, especially about money.
So here I am, writing happily and the stupid collection calls come. All of a sudden,
my happy peaceful groove is blown by anxiety and grief. They can’t even say my name correctly. If you can’t say my name, you get no money. You must be looking for someone else. Go ride your call center phone to hell and get the $20.49 cents from the devil, because you have a far better chance collecting from him than from me at the moment. You don’t want to wait, you get nothing. So stop calling already and let me write! Assmoney.
3) Medication
I rediscovered why I hate antidepressants. Oh yeah, they work great for suppressing that urge to stay in bed forever, but they also kill the creative process. Once off the crap, all of a sudden I have the urge to write again and the ideas kept coming. So I have the choice of depression or creativity. I’ll risk the depression. We’ll leave the drugs for the Prozacbots that roam the planet looking for John Conner.
4) Not winning Megamillions
I make decent money, but I live in overinflated cost of living hell. Ok, I’m not that bad off, but I do have to watch every penny. And it sucks. I keep not winning the
lottery. This is a problem. I need to win the freakin’ lottery already. Why do they keep picking the wrong stupid numbers? They know what numbers they have to pick for me to win. It’s all in the lottery computer. They mock me, openly and completely. I’m going to have to smack down the entire lottery commission.
5) Training
Being sore and tired is not conducive to being in the writing spirit. So I work out,
practice martial arts, and feel like I’ve been sleeping in the drier every night. Not only this, but being the only girl in a martial arts class that is not just for show, makes it a little harder to get through. The fact that I let my workouts slide over the fall and winter does not help now when I have to produce a bunch of pushups while holding my breath with an elephant on my back. Now, I had to beef up my workouts and still keep up with the rest of my life. My muscles ache and all I want to do is soak in a hot tub and watch TV or play…
6) …video games
I think Nintendo is planning world domination through subliminal messages they
implant in the Wii, cause damn, I keep buying games for that thing and getting sucked in. Not only does it zap my time, but it adds to my soreness. I mean Wii boxing really puts a workout on your upper body. I don’t need any more soreness. Geez.
7) Windows Vista
It just sucks.
It likes to just randomly pause and interfere with the flow of my stream of consciousness. Screw you Microsoft.
8) Tax time
Screw the government.
They are wasting my time making me fill out tax returns. They got my money. They need me to tell them to give it back? Who wouldn’t want it back? Maybe they should just stop taking our money and shut up about it. That’s right; the IRS should just shut up and give me my money, biotch.
9) Peeing
Going to the bathroom takes way too much time out of my day. Even as I write
this, I have to pee, but I don’t want to just stop and waste those minutes. Dammit, hold on…
(talk about stream of consciousness)
…Ok, that’s done. Anyway, waste of time.
10) Boogers
I just wanted to say “booger”. Plus they clog the nose, make it harder to breath. So they get to be on the list.

I like to write. I like to write a lot. I can pretty much spend hours at

The problem I have is real life. Real life tends to suck in a major, goat-dick blowing way. I really find myself at odd with real life on a regular basis. So here is my list of the top reasons real life screws with me so I can’t write.
1) My freakin’ job.

2) People who harass me, especially about money.
So here I am, writing happily and the stupid collection calls come. All of a sudden,

3) Medication

4) Not winning Megamillions
I make decent money, but I live in overinflated cost of living hell. Ok, I’m not that bad off, but I do have to watch every penny. And it sucks. I keep not winning the

5) Training
Being sore and tired is not conducive to being in the writing spirit. So I work out,

6) …video games
I think Nintendo is planning world domination through subliminal messages they

7) Windows Vista
It just sucks.
It likes to just randomly pause and interfere with the flow of my stream of consciousness. Screw you Microsoft.
8) Tax time
Screw the government.

9) Peeing
Going to the bathroom takes way too much time out of my day. Even as I write

(talk about stream of consciousness)
…Ok, that’s done. Anyway, waste of time.
10) Boogers
I just wanted to say “booger”. Plus they clog the nose, make it harder to breath. So they get to be on the list.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Posted by Penelope, a member of Brand New Aspiring Writers
Penelope Anne Bartotto
January 6, 2007
What Do You Hear?
Tell me sweet child what do you hear?
What sounds reach your wee ear?
I hear the water, mama...
sloshing in the well
May we sit a spell and listen?
Yes, my child.
Tell me sweet child what do you see?
What do your eyes partake with glee?
I see a birdie, mama...
Red as an apple on the tree
May I keep it?
No, my child.
Tell me sweet child what now do you hear?
What noises touch your little ear?
I hear the wind, mama...
It whistles through the leaves
Can I catch it?
Maybe my child.
Tell me mama what do you hear?
What sound reaches your ear?
I hear your heart little one,
beating strong as the heat of the sun.
May I keep it?
Always mama, always.
What sounds reach your wee ear?
I hear the water, mama...
sloshing in the well
May we sit a spell and listen?
Yes, my child.
Tell me sweet child what do you see?
What do your eyes partake with glee?
I see a birdie, mama...
Red as an apple on the tree
May I keep it?
No, my child.
Tell me sweet child what now do you hear?
What noises touch your little ear?
I hear the wind, mama...
It whistles through the leaves
Can I catch it?
Maybe my child.
Tell me mama what do you hear?
What sound reaches your ear?
I hear your heart little one,
beating strong as the heat of the sun.
May I keep it?
Always mama, always.
Penelope Anne Bartotto
January 6, 2007
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Posted by Mark Brown, a member of Brand New Aspiring Writers.
A New Year's Sonnet
The days fly by
Our lives breeze away
But the future is here to stay
Yet, we have no idea why.
New Years brings us good
Time marches on, ever.
Leaving it's use to the clever
Positive for us, we hope it would.
New Year will bring us many wishes
Now that it's here, I need to sleep
Time to dream, and play very deep
And to think of many future kisses.
As I rest my head here, I behold...
My dreams, they turn into gold.
A New Year's Sonnet
The days fly by
Our lives breeze away
But the future is here to stay
Yet, we have no idea why.
New Years brings us good
Time marches on, ever.
Leaving it's use to the clever
Positive for us, we hope it would.
New Year will bring us many wishes
Now that it's here, I need to sleep
Time to dream, and play very deep
And to think of many future kisses.
As I rest my head here, I behold...
My dreams, they turn into gold.
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